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Southern Charm



  • We are currently traveling through southern states of the US

  • A week with Pam's parents in Foley, AL

  • An overnight stay in Lafayette, LA (Vermillionville Living History Museum and Folklife Park - Harvest Host)

  • 2+ weeks in Broaddus, TX on Sam Rayburn Reservoir

  • Bosun update

We have been holding in our big news for weeks but can finally let it out. We are going to be grandparents!!! Dan and Susan are expecting their first baby and we are all over.the.freaking.moon. Due date January 3, 2023. Planning on camping in the hospital parking lot til there's a baby. Kidding (not kidding).

We spent 5 nights in Foley, AL catching up with Pam's parents. Pam's mom even rode a roller coaster and a few other rides at a local park. You can view the rollercoaster video here. We rode our electric bikes a bit (the heat prevented much too use), took the golf cart to watch the Memorial Day fireworks, had a few great lunches out, and enjoyed catching up. We also all escaped the heat one day by seeing the new Top Gun Maverick movie - if you haven't seen it yet, you must go!

Next stop, to our dear friends Karon and Toni who live on a lake in Broaddus, TX. (Karon officiated Dan and Susan's wedding last year). On our way, we spent an overnight at a Living History Museum parking lot (free, Harvest Host) and upon arrival spent a few hours roaming the grounds, exploring their (live) Cajun history exhibits. See Trip's attempt to play the accordion here.

Karon and Toni have been the most wonderful hosts! They welcomed us as family, and we have been having so much fun with them. Swimming, fishing See Trip's deeper dive #6 about fly fishing here), Waverunner-ing, canoeing, cooking, laughing, and just plain enjoying each other's company. Also, Pam's first ever chicken fried steak (our wide-eyed server could not believe it). This New England girl did not know what she was missing!

We had originally planned on staying for a week, but quickly realized that was not going to be long enough! Trip changed his flight to Phoenix to fly out of Houston for his last scheduled (pre-retirement) speaking engagement. We are currently at about 2 weeks into our stay. We will reluctantly peel ourselves away from Karon and Toni next week and continue our travels.

Bosun was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease before we left Alabama. Medication has been helping him, although we were told it could be a few weeks before full effect takes place. He also has severe arthritis in his hips and was given pain medication. He seems to be feeling much better now, and we have no doubt our stay at the lake is part of that. There are several dogs here, and he loves being around them, especially Zipper (Karon and Toni's Doodle) and Buddy, the neighborhood top dog - a big boy, and incredibly gentle. Buddy seems to watch out for everyone, dogs and people alike. Bosun has enjoyed swimming in the lake most days, which seems to make him feel better. One of those days, Buddy stood in the water and watched Bosun swim back and forth, walking towards him as he swam by, as if to see if he was okay. We need to get Buddy a lifeguard whistle.

We have thoroughly enjoyed spending time in the south. Slowing down and relishing the quiet moments have been a refreshing change to the hustle and bustle of the past few months. We are finding the joy in the smallest things. We will definitely be back to explore. Be ready, y'all!



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